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Hunkering Down

This week was a continuation of interviews and brainstorming what content we wanted to include in our service. I spent a lot of my time looking at the existing programs we identified and what we could do to connect everything together in one package. I also did a large brainstorming session on how our identity could look for this project.

Starting to Think

Starting off with our identity, from the get-go we wanted a "natural" feel, that is fresh and modern. So when I was messing with different palettes that were something I was constantly thinking about. Of course, it is a work in progress and nothing concrete has been decided, however, the right side of the included image is the palette direction we are going towards.

I think our identity is a super important part of this project, not only because it is the final project in our design program, but also the very first impression people get of the concept.

The Content of our Project

I wanted to start to flush out the content included in our service and found this great workshop preparation prompt to follow and fill in. You can use the same template here.

I really liked this canvas because it covers every section we have to consider when starting to design this educational service. I filled it out roughly as I went through our research and interviews, comparing the two. It is a good base to start with!

The process section is where I compared the most to our interviews. Since we could look at what people were saying they knew already, I knew what we could add and leave out as content.

Reading of the Week

For this week one of the readings I enjoyed was a brief walkthrough on how to design a workshop. Feel free to read it yourself here.

In "How to Design a Workshop", they go through simple points and a checklist on all the different aspects to consider when designing a workshop. A key quote I found interesting stated:

"Have I established early that I’m interested in what people already know? Many workshops suffer because trainers treat people like empty vessels to be filled up by the expertise of the outsider. Have I included tools, especially early on, that start by asking people what they already know?"

We have to remember that there are levels of knowledge around sustainable fashion, and it is not worthwhile for some kids if they are just being berated with facts they already know. I think that focusing on local initiatives and engaging in those unique conversations is something that should be implemented in our service, and be more valuable.

Next Steps...

For me, the next steps are to finalize the responses from my interviews and keep diving into the identity of this project. What do we want the message to be, and what should we avoid.


This blog entry was written by Caitlyn Gass, co-founder, and multi-disciplinary designer on this project. To learn more about Caitlyn, visit the about page.

Last update: 2.01.2023

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