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Communicating Thoughtfully

This week Caitlyn and I went full swing in curating our content. She's been focusing on logo concepts and workshop material while I've been sourcing the tutorial content.

The tutorials we're using are in video format so I started by transcribing them so I could then reiterate them in a step-by-step format for our guide. I quickly realized that video tutorials don't translate easily to written word because we are absorbing the spoken words alongside a visual representing the entire process. Voiceovers might leave out key details that help learners understand what's happening because we can actually see it happening in front of us so our brains fill in the gaps—in written form we cannot assume that we can leave out this same information so I've been filling in those gaps as best as I can. Because our target audience is primarily beginners I have to be careful of assuming I'm being clear enough in my instructions. I intend to get second opinions from people who haven't sewn much to find out that way how my instructions can be more helpful. Below is one of the video tutorials used and my accompanying step-by-step instructions:

Before the tutorial section we're going to include a section for tools needed for any or all of the tutorials, common materials clothes are made of, and types of stitches used in these tutorials + how to execute them so that terms like "blanket stitch" and double-loop stitch make sense to the reader without overloading the tutorials themselves. We also are thinking of the best imagery to include alongside the tutorials for the visual aspect of learning, we're considering icons and/or screen grabs from the video tutorials.

Next Steps...

Next steps for me include writing the content for the material sections and collecting the stitch tutorials because Fixing Fashion has a beginner-friendly library for those. Next steps as a team will be developing our logo further and getting feedback from Hu regarding the execution of our guide content and workshop.

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