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Collaborative Organization

This past week Katherine and I worked together to start building out the guide layout using helpful tips Hu presented to the class, and we brought the content we wrote the previous week into Indesign.

Content Blocks and Layout

This past week we sat down and started blocking out the different pages and what could be included in each section. Using the content we already wrote and gathered, we quickly wrote headers and chunked them in a way we thought could flow well together.

There were some changes once we put it together but I focused on the green section the most, which is about educating on existing Nova Scotia initiatives. I think there is a fine line to tow when it comes to creating long-form content for teenagers, it can't be too wordy or sterile, or else it will turn the reader off. So I was trying to think of the most concise way to show the programs and store recommendations without it being boring.

Process Work

We then took our sections into Indesign and started applying the brand styles we previously established and messed around with different possible layouts. I mainly tried differently styled images and how they could interact with the text content!

Reading of the Week

This week is just a quick video I enjoyed posted on VICE, which you can watch here.

I used this video as inspiration for the language and style that I want to bring into the guide.

Next Steps...

Next week will be about making lots of refinements! We plan on printing out our guide and looking at the organization of the content, finding what is working and what is not.


This blog was written by Caitlyn Gass, co-founder of this project.

Last updated on 03.17.2023

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